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Writer's pictureJules Alexander

Justice or Mercy?

You are here because there are traits that connect us. A deep love for the ocean. A search for meaning. Kindness, patience: resilience under challenging circumstances.

Who are you, and how could you be stronger? I aim to share with you some insights into how we as helping professionals approach solutions tailor-made for you.

Let’s begin with the OCEAN model. Who you are affects how you deal with situations. It is useful to have some understanding of your inherent strengths relative to other people. In a nutshell, a significant component of psychological stress is when, who you are, is not aligned with who you would like to be. 

So who are you?

Here’s a short version of the most up to date self-awareness test available (Buchanan et al., 2005).

Understanding how high or low someone ranks on each of the traits can be useful and predict things about people, such as their risk of mental illness or likelihood of recovery after a setback.


Openness. Conscientiousness. Extraversion. Agreeableness. Neuroticism.

Based on this multidimensional model, most people fall into one of the four types of core personalities (Gerlach, 2018).

These are Average, Reserved, Self-Centred & Role Model. If you are curious, see the (Alex, 2020).

How is this model useful to me?

Agreeableness has six core components which include trust, sincerity, altruism, compromise, modesty and sympathy. Sympathy consists of a balance between justice and mercy.

An intrinsic justice perspective implies that when something unfortunate happens, we want to find out who's responsible, and we want them to be punished. Only when guilt has been assigned and revenge delivered can we feel that justice has been done, and we can move on.

When we look at the world from a constructivist or merciful point of view, we tend to find multiple causes. The aim is to understand what happened so that reasonable steps can be taken to find practical steps to move forward so that it doesn’t happen again.

I’m interested in unravelling the complexity, finding solutions and opportunity in the chaos. I can feel the trauma coursing through your veins. I will leave the light on.

  • Buchanan, T., Johnson, J. A., & Goldberg, L. R. (2005). Implementing a Five-Factor Personality Inventory for Use on the Internet. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 21, 115-127.


  • Gerlach, M., Farb, B., Revelle, W. et al. (2018). A robust data-driven approach identifies four personality types across four large data sets. Nat Hum Behav 2, 735–742.

  • Alexander (2020). Average: High in neuroticism & extraversion, low in openness. Reserved: Low in neuroticism & openness. Self-centred: High extraversion, low openness, agreeableness & conscientiousness. Role Model: High everything, low neuroticism.

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