The first law of self states that a body in motion will continue on that trajectory unless acted upon by an external force. We cruise along in our lives until some traumatic event forces us to re-evaluate our sense of self.
It is easy to be a captain of your destiny if the weather is smooth. The litmus test of leadership is how you react when the going gets tough.
You require chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star.
Turn the challenge into an opportunity. An opportunity to learn and demonstrate who you are and who you would like to be. The closer those two ideas sit together, the less psychological stress you will have.
In many instances, Psychotherapy can be a useful support mechanism to help you find a solution when facing a significant obstacle. What is holding you back? Think about a label that you own.
Maybe you don't even know that you have that label. There will come a time when you open your eyes and realise that you are not alone. You are one of many with that issue. We can draw strength from the group.
Find your tribe. Find those who bring out the best in you. There are effective evidence-based strategies to overcome these issues.
Here is a basic outline of one such approach. It works particularly well for those exposed to trauma.
Accept the reality of the issue that you are facing.
Separate psychologically from the problem, using reason, not emotion.
Be self-aware of who you are and what you are capable of achieving.
Be more assertive and maintain clear boundaries.
Work on your sense of self so that you know how to navigate treacherous waters best.
Surprise yourself. You can deal with whatever it is that life throws at you. You are good enough.
Embrace that thought.